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New Year New Goals

It’s a few days to the new year 2018 (somebody say yeah yeah) and there are a lot of things that we all want to do better or not do at all or start doing. I personally want to attend a lot of Owambe’s (I passed through 2017 without as much as one Owambe).Every year we as people tally our wins and losses and from all the lessons we learnt throughout the year, we put up a list of what to do to make the next year better and we then tag it ‘new year resolutions’, but the thing is, we can go back to our drawing board anytime not necessarily only at the end of the year.

I came across an article about how making a New Year’s resolution was setting yourself up for failure and I thought of doing a column on New Year resolution fails but somehow I diverted. But first let’s tackle why I think New Year resolutions are bullcrap.

#THE TITLE-‘New Year Resolutions’

Honestly, 90% of the problem is the mentality of people concerning the name. New Year’s resolutions are same as everyday goals the only difference being that they are goals for the start of a new quarter. Unfortunately people start adding goals to their new year’s resolution even from June…and I’m simply left speechless. Waiting to start a goal in the new year is simply procrastination(how about starting that gym membership in November, forget January).I have set in past years new year resolutions and I have found out that most times I barely achieve 50% before the year runs out.


Imagine me a student with no extra source of income setting ‘get a new car this year’ as my New Year resolution. Short term goals are the most practical method of setting goals. Even if you set long term goals (a necessary evil), break them down into short term achievable actions and have the determination to see them through. Every single goal you set should reflect your self-growth. What do you want to see at the end of the year? The student who set the ‘new car’ resolution could have set ‘ get a part time vocational skill’ and ‘start saving for a car’ as his/her goals instead. Goals are meant to be practical not fantasy.

Having said all that we all need to set goals that will help guide us to  our dreams this new quarter.as Earl Nightingale said “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going” so I have highlighted a few aspects of our lives to help us set important achievable goals.


Seeing the New Year is a blessing we should never take for granted. No matter what religion we practice or beliefs we have, getting closer to GOD should definitely top the list

Have you read this post?  My Stranger


Our family is our rock .as they say blood is thicker than water we should always strive to have better relationships in our families


We all have big goals and big dreams but without a concrete plan and a determination to work toward it cannot be acheived.

  • In our schools set a goal for your GP and how you plan to achieve it.Barely passing is definitely not the best way to pass
  • In this day and age every student should be an entrepreneur. The rich are the ones with the ideas outside the box, nobody depends on their certificate alone now. Start doing something.
  • The best way to work is to work hard and be promoted. Set goals for how you want to improve your work ethics.

Dream big, work hard.no matter what your dreams are you need to know that without hard work that is all they would remain ‘DREAMS’.


  • First I think should definitely be self-love. Self-love can never be over emphasized, no matter how secure you are in yourself you need to always have time to remind yourself of who you are, lift your self-esteem even higher and simply be proud to be who you are ignoring whatever society says.
  • We should also set goals that help us take responsibility of the things that happen in our lives.be in charge of your life, steer it where you want it to go.
  • Set goals to make you better. For example i will be exercising daily, or i will eat more fruits.


The significant other in your life also deserves a new improved you. Look at your relationships how far you have gone, how far you want to go. Are there changes you need to make to make for a smoother relationship? This is what makes you a good partner.

If you pick all this and make a New Year resolution list, I definitely trust that with consistency and determination at the end of the New Year you would have checked off at least 80% of your goals.

I hope this post helped you out, if you have any questions or contribution just leave a comment and if you need any help you can also email me and I’ll be sure to get back to you.Dont forget to like this post and also follow us on all our social media handles.

Happy New Year In A Few Hours!!!!!!!

Lots of love from this side,



  • funky

    #WORD 😇

  • Femi

    Lovely read..

    I term mine new year goals.. Not resolution.. And I try to start planning even before I enter the year. Just Like money.. If you don’t have a detailed plan for it before it arrives… You’ll surely waste it.. 😌

  • Alvie

    I really love this post….. Really inspiring. Looking forward to ur nxt post. Happy New Year in a few hours


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