
The ‘Thick Body’ Trend|My Thoughts

body goals_the thick trend



Hi guys,I am here to share my thoughts on the latest body goals-the thick trend. If you are looking for tips on how to achieve a curvier body, sorry but this is not that kind of post. This is simply me sharing my sort of experience with the “every girl should be curvy/thick hype’ that seems to be rampant everywhere especially on Social media lately.

Honestly, whoever was responsible for the trend needs to be fed bitter leaf – in its raw form only, forever.

For those who have the body it’s a lovely thing, but what about those who do not have it? Many people have their self-esteem lowered just because the internet, fickle as it is, now favors females with a different body type.

You are beautiful.It does not matter whether you are tall,short,thin,curvy,black or white.Own your Sexy Girl! Share on X

the thick trend_thick body goals

My Experience With The “Every Girl Should Be Thick IG  Trend”

I won’t lie for a while there, when the trend first came up I was as caught up as the next person in trying to get more fat in the booty area. I had guy friends who would come to me and start the  regular spiel “Seyi, when will your ass increase?’. And the ladies who would come to you with the ‘babe , why your ass just small like this -cue laughter’. Most times when they all say these things it seems to be a joke to them , but they make whoever is on the receiving end feel a little less confident about herself. Comments like this chip away at a hard earned self esteem till it wears down.

Crushing words from my crush

The incident that gave me the most drive to join the ‘thick body gang’  was a comment from my crush. I mean i had been crushing on my friend for a while but he kept treating me like a little sister. One day i see a message from him on snap-chat commenting on my video. Ecstatic that he sent me a message, i open it only to see “Seyi go and get thick for me now”. I mean, i’m  sure he did not think of how much influence that sentence would have on me. Thus started my ‘desperation fueled’ journey to researching every single way to be thick.

Having all this ‘so not helpful’ comments made me so into gaining fat in the right areas. Lukily for me somehow (I have to thank the fact that my laziness protested all the effort I was putting into it) I got back to my senses. So now I wonder how many ladies are still caught up in that web of not being able to love yourself and your body fully. Every female cannot have the same body type –genetics and whatnot. Society’s view about our bodies may have become hidden under the facade of ‘awon omo thicker body’ and I love that song so it’s not as much the song as the way it has now become the acceptable way to leave your perfectly beautiful body and do lots of things for the “thicker body” .

Have you read this post?  My Christmas Wish-list

My Realization

ONE day I stood in front of the mirror and took a good look at myself, all the flaws and the perfection that I am and I realized that nothing and nobody should make me believe that my body as I am is not enough. If you cannot love yourself it is next to impossible for you to accept the love someone else has for you – big booty or not.

The first commandment for your body is LOVE YOURSELF. Share on X

A Lil Advice

Going to the gym to better your body is perfectly acceptable but going the extra mile (creams and stuff) just to get curvier because of a trend is NOT. ‘Why exactly do you want the body change?’ Because if it is not solely for you then it is totally not worth it. If you are naturally blessed with the ‘thicker body’ please rock it and if you are on the other side of the spectrum, (the Lil booty gang) rock it with a confidence that cannot be bought. And if someone has a contrary opinion you can tell them where to stick it #wink.

Let us not come and go and kill ourselves. All booties rock!!!!!!

PS: in other news whoever knows a way to get me to stop eating so much junk so late. I can see all the junk I have been consuming go straight down to my belly and storing there. This means no crop tops for me #heart breaks into pieces.  Has anyone been in this situation before? Or am I the only one too lazy to exercise?

PPS: I finally got up the courage to go to the gym. It’s been a week now and it has definitely not been play play. who wants me to do a weekly review on my gym escapades? you would be surprised at how many funny things happen there.


  • C


  • Dekemi

    Gym escapades please. Totally get how you feel, some of us get the when will your boobs get bigger too. #smallboothiesmatter

  • Fermi

    True! All booties rock. Hitting the gym should basically about building a lifestyle, those gains are just an incentive.

  • Toyyib

    I enjoyed the story.. Looking forward to more of that…. Especially on sports

  • Dupe

    Hi Seyi!
    First of all, I’m glad I found your blog because it’s beautiful 😍.
    Second of all, you’re my sister’s namesake. My big sister’s name is Oluwaseyi so I’ll call you my sister henceforth 😁.
    And lastly, whaaaaattt!!! Last week, I almost got depressed from someone body shaming m because I’m thick and have curves. I felt like using something harmful to drain all the fat in my body and behind.

  • Alvie

    Gym escapades pls….I just love d post… I also get the “u got no ass to shake” they think its all about shaking what ur mmama gave u”. But like u said it doesn’t whether we are tall, short , curvy… We should love our body….keep it up love..this post is really inspiring

  • Reality of Friendships plus OOTD - Lazy Trendy Chic

    […] talked about loving  yourself and your body on my new post on “My thoughts:on the Thick trend” go and check it […]


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