Fashion Lifestyle street style

Own your Trendy

“She’s trendy, He’s trendy, we all trendy”
I used to belong to the group of thought that ‘fashion was a gift for some special set of elite people’ but that is not true. One man’s quirks set the trend for the next millennia. What is your quirk? You don’t have to do it like we all do it.It does not have to be someone else’s trend. Find your trend and own it (like say na just you ooo).
“Don’t try to fit in, if you are born to stand out”. Don’t forget to comment like and follow.

Photo credits:@tobilobadearest for @folakaystudio

Still Yours,
Lil girl playing dress up

Have you read this post?  Reality of Friendships plus OOTD


  • Her biggest fan

    You go girl!!!!


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