Ever been to a spa? Well except for the occasional manicure or pedicure, I really hadn’t gotten a full Spa experience before a few weeks ago. I got the opportunity to get all the kinks in my back (generated by exams} worked out and on a discount too.
Dinner Date at NOK by Alara

Saturday was dinner date with the girls time.It was also a post birthday celebration for my girl and so we all went the extra mile in dressing up. I’m talking full glam effect.
Take lit pictures this Christmas(7 easy steps)

Hey guys, I’m here with some photography tips and tricks for you all. Its Christmas time and I trust my people we all want to pepper them on our feed. I do know that I am not the only one who loves the fact that during the season there are so many places that get a revamp with some really pretty decorations and lights. Especially on the island. Now I’m going to give you a few tips to taking pictures. Pictures that will brighten up your feed and get the likes rolling in.
Life Lessons I learnt From Reading My Old Diary
A Diary is a book full of your hopes, dreams, secrets and life lessons.
Keeping a Diary was the second thing I was dedicated to in high school. My Diary was my bestie (You can see why I did not have a real bestie HERE) and my confidante, it held basically everything about my life and the lessons I learned in it. After I had people steal and read my first diary ever, I made sure the next diary had a lock.
For me junior school is sort of a blur, it was all about getting good grades and following the rules. By the time I got to SS2 however, I realized that I barely remembered anything about junior school. Determined to change that I made sure to change up my habits and have fun. A few weeks ago though, I came across my diaries and I sat down and went through them again. It took a while but reading the diaries really opened my eyes and put a lot of things in perspective. Here are a few life lessons I want to share with you that I learned from reading my diaries again.
Live Life to the fullest so you do not have regrets.
One thing I do regret about secondary school is the fact that I did not open up fast. While reading my diary I discovered that going to the hostel in Jss3 saw a particular incident that caused a change in my behavior. After deciding to actually live , I then began to see life in color, have fun, make memories – sad, happy, fun and somber. Truthfully this life lesson may seem like one that is a given. Unfortunately, you would be surprised at how many people are going through life with grey colored glasses on. From the moment I decided to actually live, I began to make memoirs. Looking back now, the memories I have are mainly of those final days in school.
A life worth living is one worth living well. Share on X
Do not be too hasty to call it love
Limerence – Infatuated love
Throughout high school, I did not date anyone not because I did not want to but because I was convinced that I had met the love of my life. Reading this in my diary was both embarrassing, funny and sad at once. While reading I began to try to pinpoint one reason why I decided I was in love with him and I still cannot find one. I was totally infatuated with him (and the laugh lines around his eyes). I was so sure he was the one that I decided to wait around till he was ready to date me. Unfortunately for me, after wasting a lot of time I finally pulled up the courage to talk to him only to get a good dose of reality and heartbreak.
Reading through this I once again felt a sort of replica of the pain I was going through. Seeing how much I cried after dedicating so much time and my fragile emotions into him was heartbreaking and freeing at the same time. After suffering heartbreak, I turned my thoughts to revenge (how to make him pay) and even that eventually fizzled out. Now I realize that the life lesson I should have held on to from that is the fact that you cannot make anyone love you.
It was really not love, but at the time I would have bet a lot on the fact that we would end up married with kids and a great life. I had big dreams, and now I know those dreams will still be reality but this time with the right person.
‘Easy O, Jeje’ don’t be so fast to call it love. Share on X
You have to embrace Change (that is how you grow)
Embracing change is not so easy. Going into secondary school I was a quiet, jaded girl who had been through lots of family issues and I had walls of reinforced steel around myself. Leaving high school, I had drastically changed into a more jovial, still cautious but happier girl.
The day in Jss3 when my life changed started as any other with me minding my business, keeping to myself. I had joined the hostel two weeks prior but I still kept sitting where I used to in class instead of with the ‘boarders’ (what students in the hostel were called). On this day one of my hostel mates – Nike – got angry at the fact that I refused to associate with them. She cruelly embarrassed me in front of the other boarders. She called me all sorts of names including cry baby and little girl and basically told me I was afraid of everything. Her words made me run to the top floor and hide there, crying all day.
One of my sort of friends at the time found me there and comforted me. During this I realized that even though she was cruel and mean in the way she said the words to me, she was actually right. I had been so concerned with protecting myself that I did too good a job in cutting myself off from people.
That was the turning point. From then, I began to open myself up one step at a time till it became second nature to me to be like that. No change is easy, but it almost always leads to a better version of you.
No matter how bad it is, it will always get better.
Even in secondary school, I went through some ups and downs that seemed almost insurmountable. After reading my diary, I said a quick thank you to God for how far I have come now. No matter how bad it gets, it can always get better is the life lesson I took away from this.
Lord I’m blinded by your grace. Share on X
You will get finer and dress better
You definitely will #winks. I see my throwback pictures and Lord! Lord! I thank you for where I am now. That is not to say I was not cute, because I was. But then again, they are called throwback pictures for a reason.
Here is the only throwback picture I can release with peace of mind #laughs.
There are a lot more lessons I have learnt from reading my diary again and I would love to share more with you.So if you would love to read more of this comment YES down below.
Have you ever had a diary or kept a journal?
Gym-scapedes: Week 1
‘I say I’m badder than, all of you, all of you…. Actually I gym more than some of you, some of you’
Wearing my favorite pair of black stretchy legging (from @dkhay_empire) and my neon green sports bra under a black tank top with sneakers on and ear buds in and jamming to Davido’s all of you. I was feeling all fly and shii because I was on my way to the gym.
I was all up in my baby girl for life mood the first day I hit the gym and started my journey into the world of fitness. Two weeks in and I’m no longer walking to the gym like I’m going for a fashion show, now I am either tired to my bones or I’m psyched and ready to feel the pain and own it.You are wondering how I got to that stage abi? Let me tell you the story.
How my Gym vibes changed
For the first three days, I would hit the gym with my ‘lazier than I am’ friend and my ‘gym addicted’ housemate. I and my ‘Lazier friend ‘would be trained by the instructor and he would give us basic exercises to do that to me were not unreasonable. My lazier friend though would complain and I would join her because ‘why I go wan look like oversabi?’
After all the gyming oo, I would then go home and be lamenting in my mind because I did not feel sore or a lot different. Okurr. Then things changed.
The week after I had crazy class schedules that would see me walking home exhausted about 4pm and I would still have to hit the gym that evening. My wonderful friend did not even just bother to show her face (aunty haff tire) and Uncle Gym addicted house mate found a new hobby (biko why now? Better reset your brain to default settings ooo). So imagine me, baby girl for life mood don ‘run away’, contemplating the wahala I put myself into ooo just because I want to wear crop top. In fact was I blind when I was eating all the food and it was storing in my stomach? #crying emoji. That’s when my gym instructor now decided to switch up his game on me, like ‘did I offend you before sir?’
Gym wahala
This fateful day sha, I went to the gym jejely and I was stressed ehn.Luckily for me, after about two minutes I saw my gym crush coming, Thank you Jesus ooo see motivation. Mr. Crush came in greeted the few of us in the gym and proceeded to take off his shirt ‘Can I get a hallelujah somebody?!!!!!’ If you see me drooling that day ehn, I produced the rivers of water from my mouth.
That was when the gym instructor interrupted the fantasy of my hands and those chiseled abs to tell me to join some other ladies being trained by one guy. I was about to vex, I mean he just interrupted my fantasy until I saw that the guy that was training too was a fine boy.
The heavens are smiling upon me today. So I moved over and joined them in the stretches as they were just starting. We started with touching out toes while sitting with your head touching your knee and the other leg folded (please when I am not a gymnast, my head dinnur touch my knee oo).
Next we moved on to other stretches including the child pose and then he gave us the last one that caused gobe.in my mind I was nau wondering is this one stretching too???
That’s when my crush decided to speak up ‘Ahan, no wonder you will go from 8 to 8 on top of somebody’s child. Brother take it easy na.’ In my mind I kuku agreed, it’s their type that will kill somebody’s child , but what is my own let me stretch my stretch in peace.
The trainer then replied my crush “it is good now, but I met you in the business oo, my own 8 to 8 is your foreplay”
Kuku kill me o because of working out
All this one o we were still holding the stretch position. Finally we finished stretching and moved on to real abdominal exercises. Remember I said I used to lament because I was not doing enough? Omo by the second exercise I knew that Na to just die here remain ooo.
Me that I was forming BOSS before, I began to confess to myself oo ‘I shall not die but live to see another gym day’ can I get an AMEN!!!!
From leg raise, to flutter kicks, to crunches, to inverse crunches to Russian twist it was a serious matter. After 74years we finally finished. I just collapsed on my mat like no, I just got back from a 100year trek in the desert without water (Sense wee not kill me abeg).
Can you now imagine that as me I lay on the workout mat panting, our superwoman now stood up rejuvenated and went on to do squats with 30kg weights #it is well.
I just jejely packed up my load ooo and hobbled to my house. I was sure that I would barely be able to get out of bed the next morning.
As long as we live to see anther gym day sha.
Here are a few tips to help you get through week one of the gym:
- Dress comfortably . Dont be like me oo ,the gym is not a place to go and find ozzband biko so dont dress like that.
- it is not easy!!!!Dont assume it is easy, go prepared to work your ass off . It looks easy but all na scam.
- Make sure to eat well, Diet as i have been told is 90% of the workout.
Don’t forget to like, comment, share and keep up with me on social media. Till next week loves
Boxing Day At The Beach
Ho Ho Ho! Season’s Greetings My People. Even with the fuel scarcity plus the horrible traffic on the roads I hope we all had a little fun for Christmas even if you were like me and stayed home.
So if you know me you know I had zero plans for the holidays but somehow my friends organized a sort of beach hangout on Boxing Day at Elegushi beach and I braved the roads against all odds of traffic and fuel scarcity to be there {even if I got there late}.
I headed out from Ikorodu around 1 pm and got to Elegushi beach at around 3 pm where I paid a gate fee of 1000 Naira that I grudgingly handed over (imagine that big money). The bike then took me further in, weaving between different vehicles (I even saw a G-wagon with two escort cars) and trust me when i say “if you no get money, hide your face”.After getting off the bike, I walked into the beach where I then proceeded to get lost while searching for Gate 2, apparently there are three gates at the beach and so I spent a good 30 minutes calling and walking around till I got the gate where my friends were at (if you go to this beach please just tell whoever you are meeting to meet you at the gate to avoid all this).
Luckily once I got to my friends it became fun and all the stress was forgotten, and since they all know how much of a foodie i am imagine my happiness when i discovered there was food, drinks, and dessert (doing the shaku shaku dance).There were a lot of people (to watch) and music and lots of fun to be had. You best believe I ate a lot then proceeded to go into the water and then when we all got tired, we sat down for dessert and games. I know you all want to see pictures so I won’t talk too much I’ll let the pictures show how much fun we had.
Outfit Details- Knit Crop top : made by my cousin @ms_thonia
Floral Patterned Shirt Dress (adapted as a jacket) : thrifted
Black leggings
Photo credit: @diva_bumex
Did you all go out with friends or family? What did you wear? And how much fun did you have?
In case you are planning to go to the beach, it is definitely a good idea just make sure to get there early so you can have a lot of fun and BRING A CHANGE OF CLOTHES.
Thank you for reading, please leave a comment and don’t forget to like this post.Also follow us on all our Social media handles.
Who Is Rubies???|Hands behind LazyTrendyChic
Heyo my people!!!Today I am going to give you a sneak peek into my life. Here are 10 things you probably don’t know about me.
1. I am part Hausa (though most people say Jos is not Hausa).I hail from Jos on one side of my parent tree.
Note: I cannot speak a lick of the language.Somebori epp my career oo!!!
2. I would do drastic things for ‘beans’. Best food ever, if you know you know.
3. The ‘Lazy’ in ‘LazyTrendyChic’ mostly describes me.Darn too lazy to be thinking too much about what to wear.
4. For me Overthinking is an art form.
5. I have a monster of a sweet tooth. Insatiable and the size of Asia.
6. Hair color is my guilty pleasure (I have had to cut back on that though because of school)
7. Addicted to Novels. Fiction, Non-fiction, any genre, classics, I just want a good book to read.
8. I love writing too, that’s why blogging is quite good for me.
9. I hate liars and fakes. Being yourself is really the best you can be.
10. Celebrity crush…I’ll tell y’all in Camera #wink
Anything else you want to know? Drop your questions as comments or on my social media pages and I will be sure to answer them here next week. Kiss kiss.
Always your lil girl doing you know what
A Letter To the Older Me
Dear Older ‘Seyi,
By now you must have outgrown the nickname ‘Rubies’ if you remember it but if you do, I can see the cringe you try to hide behind a smile when it comes up. You are probably thinking you could have thought up a better nickname (Got to say I do not think so), but I do not want to get your blood pressure up so I will just address you as Seyi.
Having kids and achieving your dreams really looks good on you and so does the glittering ruby ring on your finger. Looking at you from all the way over here, I cannot fully grasp how content you are, not just content but happy. Sure there have been potholes, everyone has to hit one at one point or the other but you have gotten through them and come out fine. You may look back and think ‘I had it easy when I was younger’, so I will remind you of how it was hoping you’ll be grateful at every point in your life.
At the early stage of your life it was all fun and games and your greatest worry was whether the ice cream man would show up or not. Then teenage years came up and insecurities became the order of the day. For a long while you battled with your identity, not just that but what your path was. Everyone seemed to have everything sorted out but you kept floundering…no clear direction. The journey to purpose was full of a lot of half-baked ideas, disappointments, pain, running to God when everything else failed. You cried a lot, so many times, over and over and at times it seemed nothing would ever go right. All you wanted to do was fulfill your duty and be happy but it seemed duty and happiness were worlds apart. You made so many mistakes that you can never take back, a lot of them leaving an indelible scar on your soul but somehow in the midst of that all you found purpose.
Do you remember now how much making your dream a reality with your blog cost? The sleepless nights awake thinking of content, the fear of making a fool of yourself? Pouring all your money into it and barely having enough to feed? There were so many doubts in your head and in the mouths of others, how you never gave up is a miracle in itself. So you did start “LazyTrendyChic” a project close to your heart with the help of friends, ones that will last a lifetime. All you wanted to do was make people see that the society’s pre-portrayed image of us does not have to hold true. Our first obligation should be to ourselves, to please ourselves and be comfortable in our skin before anything else and fashion was your medium. OH, the feeling of glorious fulfillment when the first stage of the plan was put in place and your blog kicked off. What joy! What happiness! The very reason all the sacrifices are worth it.
It is from this point in your life that I write to you dear older Seyi, I do not know where the tide will go from here or even if my dream will make it any farther but I have hope and a fierce determination and that is what keeps me going. I trust that what will be will be. Please do not forget what the ‘Ruby’ means to you….the fiery wrath of the gem, a strength unbending, passion as bright as flames, coolness against your skin…your calm in every situation. Forget not also, the pricelessness of the gem…you are worth the world.No matter what may come your way Seyi remember you are strong, you are flawed and perfect as you are.
I look forward to seeing you sparkle and light up the room even more than you already do.
A younger more gullible you
You are Different and that’s Special
“You can’t be perfect baby, because nobody’s perfect honey….There’s nobody in the world like you”
Hola darlings, today I’m not putting out any fashion tips. We are taking it back to who we are at the core of all the fashion and razz mataz.
Black, White, and Mixed we are all beautiful in our own special way. Plus sized ladies are beauties so are thin ladies.so no matter what Age, Color, Gender or Beliefs we are all uniquely beautiful. It is that beauty that gives us our each individual uniqueness and out of that uniqueness our own personal timeless ageless beauty is birthed.
It takes a certain amount of confidence in self to be able to discount the portrayed image of what is in ‘vogue’.
Know this sweet girl you are you…no one can do you as good as you can.so if you let them get you down you are depriving yourself the joy of showing the world how great you can be.
Just a Lil girl playing dress up